Tag: reading
May The Odds Be (N)ever In Your Favor
We’ve done The Hunger Games a disservice over the years. I’d like to fix that.
A Defense of Non-Traditional Reading
E-books and Audiobooks get a bad rap, so I’m taking the stand to defend them.
Fictional Festivities | 12 Days of Christmas Book Tag
It’s almost Christmas, and what better way to celebrate than talking about my favorite reads from 2019?
Making the Most of Required Reading | Seven School Books I’ve Actually Enjoyed
Most people don’t like required reading. Not even English majors. There’s nothing that kills my motivation more than someone handing me a paperback and then telling me I will be graded on my ability to read, comprehend, and analyze the words inside. I love reading. I wish I could do it more often than I…
The ABCs of Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & The Olympians series can seem daunting to a newcomer – fortunately for you, I’ve put a crash course together to get you started.
Character Duel Tag
I pit 28 characters against each other to see who is the most popular, charismatic, best-looking, and smartest of them all.
Re-Reading Books: Why it’s Worth Your Time
Have you ever wanted to read your favorite book again, but couldn’t think of a good reason why? Here are a few!
Underrated Books (And Why You Should Read Them)
Some books just don’t get the time in the spotlight that they deserve. These are a few of my favorites, and why you really should read them sometime.