Tag: reading
2023 in Books
I read 132 books in 2023. If you’re sitting there thinking, wow, that sounds like a lot – you’re right. It’s a lot. And I kept track of every single one, because of course I did.
The 2021 Maggie’s Musings Choice Awards
Because the Goodreads Choice Awards are just a silly little popularity contest and we don’t listen to them.
Small Business Gifts for the Reader In Your Life
Tis the season to stress out about what to gifts to give your friends and family. I can’t help with your whole list, but if you happen to know a book lover (or if you are one yourself), I have just the thing for you.
Libraries Are For the Bird Books
“Maggie. You have access to five different library systems, two of which are within a fifteen minute drive of where you live. You can USE THEM.”
Book Blurb Wishlist
Years ago, I wrote a blog post about books I would never read. Now, I’m finally answering the question of what I actually ENJOY reading.
10 Books I Want to Read Before I Collapse from Exhaustion at the End of 2020
In 2020, I set a goal to read 65 books. I set it a bit higher than my previous reading challenges, which were usually in the 45-50 range, but I knew I would be able to meet it. The thing is… I wasn’t really expecting to meet it so soon. Since I no longer have…
Making My Own Bookish Figurines
It seems like everyone has started a new hobby lately. Some people are baking bread, making soap or candles, or learning a new language. Me? Well, I’ve also started a new “quarantine hobby.” It was a terrible idea, not because I hate it, but because I’ve become practically obsessed with it over the past few…