In addition to sharing my own writing, I also like to blog about writing tips and the writer’s life in general. Scroll down to see my latest writing-related posts, or use the buttons below to navigate to specific sub-categories.
Lessons Learned from Role-Play Writing Club
What happens when you get a bunch of nerds together to create a collaborative story? You learn a lot about writing, that’s for sure.
Why NaNoWriMo Isn’t Always a Good Idea
I commit Writer’s heresy and tell you why participating in NaNoWriMo might not be in your best interests.
Types of Writer Friends
It’s dangerous to go alone, so before you embark on your writing journey, make sure you have some friends with you! But what sorts of writer friends are out there?
NaNoWriMo Survival Kit
NaNoWriMo is starting soon! What’s in your survival kit?